The Beatfonics Crew - Yusef Lateef Session [Beat-Tape] - HipHop4ever

The Beatfonics Crew – Yusef Lateef Session [Beat-Tape]

Toujours en mode découverte, afin de varier les plaisirs et faire du bien à vos oreilles. Voici donc une beat tape composée de morceaux mêlant Jazz, et Hip Hop par le “Beatfonics Crew” un crew de Beatmakers Italiens – un projet disponible gratuitement / on – demand.

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Teaser du projet :

For this round, the Beatfonics will enlarge their ranks to produce a sound more eclectic and versatile, referring back to the initial approach they propose a tribute dedicated to the great Yusef Lateef. Chosen the best samples, the Beatfonics pay homage reinterpreting them thanks to these new artists. Some of you may remember one of the previous work in the field of jazz, here and now this work closes the circle. Open your hear(t)s.

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