CM JONES - Perfect Hand Off [Preview] - HipHop4ever

CM JONES – Perfect Hand Off [Preview]

HipHop4ever vous présente le groupe CM Jones. Leur projet “Perfect Hand Off “sera dans les bacs le 25 Mai. Voci un groupe qui rappelle en terme d’ambiance The parcyde, A Tribe Called Quest et la Native Tongues ou encore Mos Def ou le crew Pro Era …  CM Jones est un duo qui réunit MoShadee : MC du New Jersey et Creestal : beatmaker marseillais.

Voici aussi une présentation en vidéo – Un jour avec le MC. En attendant l’album, le groupe livre une série expliquant la genèse du groupe et de l’album. Voici l’épisode 1.

Une sortie Ascetic Music Records.

Biography : Creestal and MoShadee are CM Jones. Even though they were not meant to meet. Creestal, the producer, lives in Marseilles. MoShadee, the rapper, lives in New Jersey. They never met before starting to work together but, after a while, the distance became the driving force of the group. They join forces, shaping their own identity. And the fact is that those two know that they couldn’t have dreamed a better union. CM Jones encourages this spirit and cohesion, where it is not just about putting words on music. But more to become one, for the words to embody the music. The whole album is designed for the voice of the MC. CM Jones supports the idea that Hip-Hop is mostly made of alchemy and personality. A basic premise that Hip-Hop has forgotten since several years.

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